It's about recent wellness issues and what I've successfully done to ameliorate them. So, you can skip to the post below (also posted today) about a coffee alternative if you wish.
A few recurring health issues have popped up recently. Let me go through them one by one since I have so much time (ah, the life of working from home part time = no money but lots of flexible / free time).
Number one: Difficulty Breathing
YES I'M EATING DAIRY. Geez. But I've recently reduced my intake, especially since I've reduced my coffee intake and I like half and half in it. And I do only eat / drink organic dairy. I can't find raw dairy here. Is there some food law that prohibits it in Arizona?
Anyway, I've been drinking an herbal, medicinal tea by Traditional Medicinals called Breathe Easy. I like it... I love black licorice and the licorice root in it leaves that flavor lingering in the back of my throat. Also, and more importantly, it seems to be helping. I woke up several nights last week because of my respiratory unrest (get it?) but so far, no night terrors this week.
This is all to say, I love Traditional Medicinals tea! You should try them if you haven't. I'm going to buy a few more for overall wellness next week. If only they made a tea for migraines, which brings me to
Number two: Migraines
This blog is totally no fun. I'm sorry. I'm going to keep writing though.
Yes, last week I had 4 migraines!!! It was awful I tell you, just miserable (do you like the dramatics?).
Again, yes I'm eating dairy, though it's recently been reduced. I'm also doing yoga quite often and sitting outside to get more Vitamin D. It seems to perhaps be helping, as I cross my fingers.
Number three: Hip Dysplasia or Some Such Thing
I'm 25 and a human, not a dog. But apparently, according to Becka's massage therapist, I have hip dysplasia or it's homo sapien equivalent. So, I've been adamant on paying close attention to the way I'm sitting, walking, and resting while standing. I've been moving my glute and hip to counteract it's ill placement. Also, I've been doing a lot of yoga and a bit of pilates and it feels so much better! Really, almost no pain now.
Amazing what taking care of yourself can do, right? Finally.
yes, taking care of yourself makes you feel good. keep up with it. i am exercising like crazy lately and i feel great. love ya.
what a great start, robin.
it's hard to do, I know, but your reduced dairy intake needs to go to NO DAIRY intake.
watch everything get a little better again.
argh robin, sorry i've been so behind! i've had 2 migraines in my life and they SUCK. i can't imagine 4 in a week, you poor lamb!
rachel, i heart you. and i heart how much you sound like my dad. :)
robin (again)-rachel is right. if dairy is a problem for you reduced intake will not cut it. and if it's not a problem, well, then you'll know!
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