I start a pottery class tonight and I'm super stoked! I bought an old bike last week and I've been riding it around town. Yesterday I went to the art store to buy supplies for tonight's class. Among the essentials - a 25 lb bag of clay. I have a single speed cruiser with a small rack so I strapped it on with some string I asked for from the grocer next door. It was a difficult ride because the bike wobbled quite a bit but I'm looking forward to hauling my clay to class tonight, strapped to the back of my Free Spirit.
Plans so far: to make molds for my vegan soaps and bath fizzers, and to make beads so that I can string a few necklaces for myself and friends (and sisters)... and pots and bowls, of course.
We have 6 hours of open studio (studio time set aside separate from class for ceramics students to use free of charge) 2 days a week, so I'll take advantage of that.
I'll post a picture of my first project when it's complete... no matter what it looks like! And hopefully I'll be able to afford the ingredients and equipment to get some soaps and fizzers to you all soon.
you're in the creative vibe. i envy that a little. it sounds so nice to ride a bike to go get some clay to create things.
I could so see you rolling around town on your bike with you hair down and some wicked sunglasses. Will you be able to paint the pottery you make and all that? Ooo have you thought about maybe selling some pieces on that Etsy website? That would be super cool.
I don't know if my pieces will turn out good enough to sell:P But I'll send you something I make:) This week was the first class so we practiced 'pinching'... you just pinch the clay into the form you want. I made 5 objects, 2 of which form a soap mold for the bath products I want to make, and the others include a leaf shaped bowl thingy, a vase shaped like flower petals, and a small square bowl-ish tray. We'll glaze those items in two weeks. The rest of the classes are devoted to a design we come up with by next week to form our 'project' for the class. So, we perfect that design each class. We just make it over and over again I think. So, I'll send you one of those too. And then we get open studio time and I'll make some other things then. Yep, you'll be getting some pottery little lady! And, if you have a certain color in mind, let me know and I'll glaze it on the 8th week of class.
i am envious also just like rachel. i would LOVE to do that. i will when i get to take the stained glass class i had to drop out of a few years ago. when the boys are big enough for me to have some free time i will be just like you (only not as cute.) love ya
oh man, ceramics! i miss that. how fun :) and rock on with your bike using self! people are always underestimating what they can do on a bike, but not you!
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