
Nice Things

Before leaving Louisiana for architecture school in Arizona five and a half years ago, I was told by a unseemingly drunk woman of 80 years that she would help me receive a scholarship for interior design school. I was working at Foodies Kitchen and she and I had a funny chat while I helped her find a few items. She gave me a date and time to come to one of her lectures at the Longue View Gardens in Metairie. So I went. It turned out she was a textile designer from Europe. A cute, sweet, old thing. There were plenty of designers at the lecture. And me. I talked to her during a break and she didn't remember who I was or that she ever mentioned anything about school to me. Her assistant said she drinks at night and she probably forgot. Anyway, that was that but I've been interested in textile design ever since. She made tapestries mainly but I would love to design wall coverings and apparel fabric - and be an old lady who gets tipsy at night and goes around town having random, inspiring conversations with strangers (seriously, I would:)). 
Here are a few interesting pictures I found last week. The clothing looks like leaves or palm bark, but it's made of silk thread and other materials. 


Glazing Dayz

So, we glazed last week in ceramics class. These are the results. So much fun! I'll go in tomorrow and make a few things so that I can glaze next week and start sending a few things to people.

Also, I made bath fizzers a month ago. Only, they don't fizz because I used lemon juice instead of citric acid powder. I bought the powder so my next batch should fizz and you all will get a sample. 


I Wanna Look Like This When I'm Prego

I love M.I.A! I've loved jamming to her Kala album all year and tonight I saw her on the Grammys (we veg'ed out to it tonight). Her due date was today and she was bangin'! Hmm... I have to get up to speed on the cool factor though. 


What is This?

So, on Superbowl Sunday, I noticed a mark on my arm... the crease part opposite my elbow. Aaron had given me a piggy back ride from our room to the television so we could watch the game a while earlier. I didn't remember it hurting at any point but I went ahead and chalked the mark up to a burn from rubbing against Aaron's back. It got progressively worse through the evening and hurt like a rug burn would. The next day I noticed another faint mark on the wrist of my other arm. It also got worse and started itching the next day. Yesterday I noticed another mark running from my wrist, on the arm with the first mark, up to mid forearm. It kind of itches and kind of burns a little. Anyway, today I have yet another mark on my arm so, two marks on each arm. I'm noticing that some of them are spreading as water would on a floor. I've attached images... yay for the faint hearted! What is it? Oh, also, my lips feel gross. Kind of like their chapped but with little bumps. ??? What is happening to me? I don't have insurance so I won't go to the doctor unless I faint several times or can't breathe at all. I took Benadryl and it didn't make it better so it may not be an allergic reaction. 

Thinking of sunnier times, Aaron and I went to Superstition Mountains on Saturday. It was lovely, full of juicy succulent ground cover, hairy desert grass, and fun-shaped cactii with alienesque dangly fruits, and reminded me of dinosaurs. We'll hike further in next trip... we saw rock climbers and under-sky campers coming down from a trail that looked more adventurous as we were leaving.