
Amazing Food Blog

I love this website. www.deliciousdays.com. The site design is fresh and simple, the pictures are awesome, and she has some very cool recipes. Have fun:)

Bircher Muesli - made a variation of it this morning... yum!

This red onion confit looks rockin'

Hmm... squid breadsticks

I'm SO going to make these cubes of decadence


Fragrant Spring

Hi. Here I am at last! I haven't blogged in a while. I've been out of touch with this and Facebook since coming back from Louisiana. Aaron and I may be moving to California next month (I know - it's getting pretty close for me to still say 'may be' but that's how I roll... or stroll). I'll be a cook for Rachel! How exciting:) I love to cook and I love Rachel and I love to eat Rachel's food so this should work out well, I hope. In the meantime, Aaron and I have been looking for and applying to jobs in the area but it's pretty slim pickings. 

I haven't been packing or anything of that sort. Nope, I've been painting and preparing my bath püffs ('poof's). I made 15 püffs this week and they smell and look great, I must say! I'm packaging them and sending them out this weekend. Look forward:) They are made with organic, naturally derived ingredients. 

Look, I've finally drafted something to paint!

Here are the püffs and two that were packaged for Aaron's bosses 

My birthday is in two weeks and Aaron and I will perhaps spend the night at Arcosanti again (I want to make it there in case we leave soon) and will definitely head to the Reiki center and river in Sedona (as seen in the pic with Aaron - he's unwrapping some new stones at the river). 

I am also volunteering in the office at the refugee non-profit organization I've worked with over the years. I started that today and it was just me and the director Kelly in the office Aaron and I designed and decorated... I must gloat that it's a relaxing space. Kelly is awesome - she likes to cook, sew, knit, garden, entertain friends, do community work - a combo of we Main girls. She invited me to her home to see her garden, so I'll bring her a bath püff and this wonderful herb book I've been reading and recommend by Jack Staub. I love the illustrations, and he gives a history of how the herbs have been romanticized over the centuries and their practical applications today.