
A Low Sky

It keeps raining and I'm in a weird mood.
So, I wrote this really cheesy poem in Adobe Illustrator.
During the eclipsed lightning storm on Wednesday after the spy satellite had been blown up and all undersea communication wires had been cut in the Middle East, a surprising number of cars drove to the top of the hill behind my condo. I've never seen anyone drive up that hill. I fell asleep during the storm with my window open and I didn't see anyone come down. Do you think they were space ships, not cars? Aaron has some speculations.
Anyway, enjoy my serious contemplations of dreaming of things that happen.


Anonymous said...

I love your creations. I'd like you to be a guest of honor at one of my dinners...think you and aron could take a weekend and Monday off and come over?
i didn't know that undersea communications were cut...I guess the spy satellite thing went ok...

the main stitch upholstery said...

i didn't know any of this. i think you always see spaceships. i think there are aliens among us daily. i think everyone is crazy. the rain makes things weird here though cause it is so rare.