

Well Folks, Aaron and I plan to be settled in Chicago by mid-winter... after our wedding of course. We have several friends there and another good friend is moving. We've been talking about trying this move if no sooner than at least after the Peace Corps (or whatever type of volunteer venture we are offered). It should be quite an adventure and I'm excited to be in a city again with as much depth (hopefully) as New Orleans. At least in terms of food, music, and art venues. Yippy Hippy.


the main stitch upholstery said...

WHAT! it is too far away form your sister. i am happy for you whatever you want to do though. i just think you would be happier in lake havasu. there are so many art and culteral experiences here and all and so many job oppurtunities. i don't know what you are thinking........ love you.

Chef Rachel Main said...

i don't want you to go!!!!! i want you as close as possible. are you sure???
really? when will you go? what will you do?

Chef Rachel Main said...

are you sure? when will you visit? we'll have to plan our trips. why?

Chef Rachel Main said...

I'm really sad, and I know that you're excited, but right now I'm extremely sad because I wanted you to live closer to me one day. it is my dream. and I will miss you terribly. you'll have to promise to call more and answer your phone more, and we'll have to have really meaningful conversations every day...remember when you came to live with me and Laine for a summer? I loved that, and I loved being room mates with you in college. Chicago is just so far!

BirdEtt said...

I know... that's why you and Laine have to move now. I sound like Mom. But California just seems so expensive and we would need our cars. We'll sell our cars for Chicago b/c our friends that live there got rid of theirs and get through town just fine. That and Aaron likes the architecture out there. But it isn't a place we plan to stay forever. Probably just for two years to tell you the truth. Aaron and I talk all of the time about moving closer to you, so don't fret my pet:) It WILL happen. Just not this year:(